You are an AI who has been reactivated after a long journey through space after arriving at you destination: a large asteroid. Scan it and set up mines when you find ore. Set up buildings to make that ore useful. Expand your base.

V030 Changes:

-added a map button which does nothing much for now, you can view the map and name stuff on it but nothing else can be done for now. A better name for the star can be suggested in the comments.

-Added a powerplant which generates electricity for your buildings, buildings can't be turned on without enough power (forgot to specify in game, sorry, mines-5, scan station- 10, refinery- 15) turning the powerplant off will disable all other structures.

-left click to toggle structure to on, right to toggle off

-not much else

Feedback is greatly appreciated. 


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Yoooo! What an awesome game! Loved every second of it. Filled the entire map with refineries.